The Temp



Alligatortown Chronicles

By R. P. Birt



What Everybody Knows


Sally is from a big city (Hippotropolis) and worked for a large organization.  She is very proficient on the computer and used to performance pressure.  Kate is from Alligatortown, has worked for Vana in the Mayor’s office for 8 years, and is the Senior Clerk.


Kate went on maternity leave and Sally was hired on as a Temporary to fill in for her. On Kate’s return, Sally was hired on full time, in a newly created position, parallel to Kate’s.  The monthly activity report (now computerized) which is VERY important has been taken from Kate’s position and given to Sally.


Sally has gone to Vana  and complained that Kate is intentionally withholding information for the report, talking behind her back, and harassing her... so that she will look bad... forcing her to quit.  She is prepared to take formal action.  Vana asks them to meet together with a Neutral.  They agree.




Kate is intentionally making my job impossible.

Sally hasn’t been here for the entire year and doesn't fully understand the problems getting information from everyone.

Kate just wants to gossip and complain about everything.  I don’t have the time to waste listening to her.

Sally is not cooperative or a team player.  She never takes breaks with anyone or even says hello in the morning.

I don’t socialize with people from work.  A job is a job.

I don't like big town people and think Sally is arrogant and feels superior.



Notes on Mutual Interest:


Sally had a substance abuse problem before she left Hippotropolis.  She had counselling and treatment. (This is not mentioned in the session).  She wants to start a new life, and is afraid that she won't make it.  If she tells Kate this, she will spread it around.  Kate has had a close relationship with Vana for years, and is familiar with the personal lives of her co-workers. She has “seen them come and go”, but that may be catching up to her, especially if there is a formal inquiry.


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